Valuation of Assets
After a series of accounting scandals there has been increased focus on company’s estimation of their assets. In this context we can determine the current value of the assets at a given time. This ensures our clients that the assets are correctly priced and that the assets are actually present!
This is relevant in relation to, e.g.
- Internal audit
- Unveiling of hidden values
- Unveiling of hidden losses
- Optimizing operations
- Determination of insurance needs
- Optimizing of expenses for insurances
- Optimizing the tax basis
- Optimizing the financing
- Correct Statement of the property
- Assure a correct valuation of the assets in internal and external accounts
We recommend that larger companies have their assets valued every 3 years – companies on the stock exchange every second year. In the case of acquisitions and mergers we recommend a valuation report to be part of the due diligence investigation.
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