Acquisitions, sales and mergers
A correct valuation of the assets when acquiring, selling or merging companies is an indispensable tool in due diligence investigations.
To determine a company’s value is difficult when acquiring, selling or merging companies. But to determine the value of the assets, even if the price of the company is not based on the price of the assets, should be in interest of the acquirer. Since Dansk Erhvervsvurdering A/S is an impartial and independent company we can carry out that task.
A part from valuing the physical assets the valuation report also assures the involved parties registration of what is being traded. This ensures against loss of values, can be used to optimise the taxes in the deal, and ensure a correct registration of the assets in the accounts.
The advantages of a valuation report within acquisitions, sales and mergers are considerable:
- Reduces uncertainty during negotiations
- Determines and fixes the traded tangible and intangible assets
- Reduces insecurity in the deal structure
- Gives a possibility of optimising the taxes
- Secures the acquirer against unexpected cost, e.g. leasing contracts and inappropriately maintained assets
- Ensures a correct statement of the assets after acquisitions, sales and mergers
- Ensures a correct registration in the different accounts
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